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产品名称:  迪士尼歌曲集锦Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Mary Poppins 3CD套装   [3CD]
所属歌手:   [电影原声系列]
发行公司:  Disney
版 号(NO):  8731615  条码(UPC):  005008316150
出版时间:  2018/6/22
音乐类别:  流行 语言: 英语
重量(Weight):  200克 ( m58.net)
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迪士尼歌曲集锦Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Mary Poppins 3CD套装(m58.net)


Disc: 1
1. Buena Vista Fanfare
2. Overture
3. One Man Band
4. Sister Suffragette - Lead Vocal: Glynis Johns; Vocals: Hermione Baddeley and Reta Shaw
5. The Life I Lead - Vocal: David Tomlinson
6. The Perfect Nanny - Vocals: Karen Dotrice and Matthew Garber
7. Air Mail Admiral Boom The Not - So
8. A Spoonful of Sugar - Vocal: Julie Andrews; Whistling: Julie Andrews
9. Pavement Artist - Vocal: Dick Van Dyke
10. Jolly Holiday - Lead Vocals: Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke; Additional Vocals: Bill Lee, Ginny Tyler, Paul Frees, Marc Breaux, Marni Nixon and Thurl Ravenscroft
11. Jolly Holiday (Reprise) - Lead Vocals: Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke; Penguin Waiters: Daws Butler, Peter Ellenshaw, Dal McKennon, J. Pat O'Malley, Richard Sherman and David Tomlinson; Kazoo: Richard Sherman
12. Penguin Dance - Belly Slap Soft Shoe: Irwin Kostal; Kazoo: Richard Sherman
13. The Carousel Horses
14. Supercailfragilisticexpialidocious - Lead Vocals: Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke; Pearlie Chorus: Richard Sherman and J. Pat O'Malley
15. Pavement Artist (Reprise) - Vocal: Dick Van Dyke
16. Stay Awake - Vocal: Julie Andrews

17. Trouble at Uncle Albert's
18. I Love to Laugh - Vocals: Ed Wynn, Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke
19. A British Bank (The Life I Lead) - Vocals: David Tomlinson and Julie Andrews
20. Feed the Birds (Tuppence a Bag) - Vocal: Julie Andrews
21. Father's Footsteps
22. Fidelity Fiduciary Bank - Lead Vocals: David Tomlinson and "Nackvid Keyd"; Banker Chorus: Arthur Malet, Bill Lee, Thurl Ravenscroft, Allan Davies, William R. Cole
23. Panic at the Bank
24. Chim Chim Cher - ee March Over the Rooftops
25. Step in Time - Lead Vocals: Dick Van Dyke, The Chimney Sweep Chorus and Cast
26. A Man Has Dreams (The Life I Lead/A Spoonful of Sugar) - Vocals: David Tomlinson and Dick Van Dyke
27. Mr. Banks Is Discharged
28. Let's Go Fly a Kite - Lead Vocals: David Tomlinson, Dick Van Dyke and the Londoners
Disc: 2
1. The Perfect Nanny - Performed by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
2. Jolly Holiday - Performed by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
3. The Pearly Song [Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious] - Performed by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
4. Stay Awake - Performed by Richard M. Sherman
5. Chim Chim Cher - ee
6. I Love to Laugh - Performed by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
7. Tuppence a Bag [Feed the Birds (Tuppence a Bag)] - Performed by Richard M. Sherman
8. Let's Go Fly a Kite - Performed by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
9. Mary Poppins Melody [Pre - Demo]
10. Mary Poppins Melody [New Recording] - Performed by Kate Higgins
11. Admiral Boom [Demo] - Performed by Richard M. Sherman
12. Admiral Boom [New Recording] - Performed by Randy Crenshaw, Jeff Gunn and Dennis Kyle
13. The Right Side [Pre - Demo]
14. The Right Side [New Recording] - Performed by Juliana Hansen
15. The Chimpanzoo [Demo] - Performed by Richard M. Sherman
16. The Chimpanzoo [New Recording] - Performed by Bob Joyce, Jeff Gunn, Randy Crenshaw and Dennis Kyle
17. The Land of Sand [Pre - Demo]
18. The Land of Sand [New Recording] - Performed by Kate Higgins, Juliana Hansen, Jeff Gunn and Bob Joyce
19. The North Pole Polka [Pre - Demo]
20. The North Pole Polka [New Recording] - Performed by Jeff Gunn, Bob Joyce, Richard M. Sherman, Kate Higgins and Dennis Kyle
21. The Eyes of Love [Pre - Demo]
22. The Eyes of Love [New Recording] - Performed by Juliana Hansen
23. Overture [Album Version]
Disc: 3
1. The Mary Poppins Story Meetings
2. Hollywood Spotlight Microphone
3. The Sherman Brothers Reminisce About Their Work on Mary Poppins
4. Hollywood Spotlight Microphone
5. The Sherman Brothers Reminisce About Their Work on Mary Poppins"


迪士尼歌曲集锦Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection: Mary Poppins 3CD套装专辑正面图片


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  • 最多 1000 字,还剩: 1000 字!

 : : :




Auryn Quartet 是一支著名的弦乐四重奏团体,由四位杰出的音乐家组成。该四重奏成立于1981年,最初是在科隆音乐学院的一次会议上形成的。四位成员分别是由Georgy Dimchev(第一小提琴)、Matthias Lingenfelder(第二小提...



歌手名: Auryn Quartet奥云弦乐四重奏

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