1. Theme From The Private Eyes (半斤八両) 2. The Drifter's Song (浪子心声) 3. The Mah Jong Song (打雀英雄传) 4. The Dimpled Smile (梨涡浅笑) 5. Sing Along (大家跟住唱) 6. Bottoms Up (有酒今朝醉) 7. Where Is My Love? (知音梦里寻) 8. Let's RockMedley: Tribute To The Local Traffic/ Doctor’S Theme/ Why Does Having Parties/ Safety In Courtship (鬼马大家乐﹕香港交通歌 / 医生颂 / 点解要摆酒 / 拍拖安全歌) 9. Midnight Whispers (夜半轻私语) 10. The Broken Dream (断肠梦) 11. To Court A Girl (追求三部曲) 12. The River's Song (流水恨)