1.春之海Haru no umi(Spring Sea) 7:00 2.夏雨中的金鱼 Goldfish through Summer Rain 5:05 3.初春萌动Hoshun(First Stirrings of Spring) 10:08 4.街头乐师Der Leiermann(The Hurdy-Gurdy Man) 3:38 5.圣体颂歌Corpus Christi Carol from A Boy Was Born 3:35 6.庆典序曲Interlude from A Ceremony of Carols 3:41 7.云山 Cloudy Mountain 7:29 8.仙鹤归巢Tsuru no sugomori(Nesting of the Cranes) 5:05 9. 蚕之歌 Mayudama(The Song of the Silk Cocoon) 8:29